Ihr Warenkorb ist leer

Contact Us

How can I contact you?

We hope you have found the answer to your questions on our FAQpage, but if you still need help or want to send us a message, please use the contact form on this page.

*Please only contact us via one channel, as contacting us via multiple channels for the same query may delay the response time for you and other customers.

What information should I tell you?

Please include as much information as possible in your contact, e.g. Order Number (#100012345), email address, detailed description, etc. This will allow us to answer your questions as quickly as possible.

Please note that it may take 1-3 business days to activate shipment tracking. This is because the tracking code is activated once the package has arrived at the supplier's sorting center. Please contact us if the tracking update has taken longer than 3 working days.